Fossil and Fawn on Pints and Panels: Cool Oregon Pinot Gris

Posted on: August 4th, 2015 by

pints and panels fossil and fawn

I’m a big fan of the Oregon wines from the teeny-tiny (for now) operation that is Fossil & Fawn. I sent a bottle of their 2014 Pinot Gris to my pal Em over at Pints and Panels. We met at the SAVEUR Blog Awards ceremony (at a distillery…world’s collide!), where she took home the Editor’s Choice prize for Best Beer Coverage. (Congrats again, Em!)

Afterward she contacted me about a collaboration involving a beer and wine swap. Check out her take on the Fossil & Fawn Pinot Gris 2014. It’s a super-cool wine and not expensive. If you’re down in Portland, Oregon (not Maine) do look out for their Pinot Gris. And if you live in a state with non-draconian shipping laws, go ahead and order some. (I also love Fossil & Fawn’s Pinot Noir. The wine showcases a light, deft touch that becomes apparent with your first and subsequent sips.)

So that’s Em’s draft of me in comic form you see above. Find out how I turned out and, more importantly, what she thought of the wine:

Pinot and Panels: Fossil and Fawn 2014 Pinot Gris reviewed!

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One Response

  1. […] couple hours before serving to let the sediment settle to the bottle, or you can do what my friend Jameson does (he’s also a fan of this wine), and decant it then pour it back in the bottle to get […]

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