Yearly Archives: 2009
Whites and Goat Cheese
Crisp Whites and Goat CheeseOriginally uploaded by jamesonf I love Sauv Blanc and a soft, fresh goat cheese. A duo of Chileans, the 2008 Veramonte and the 2007 Cono Sur, were great. I prefer the Veramonte; fresher vintage, and less green bean on the nose. Chilean Sauv Blanc is the real-deal. I prefer it much [More]
Falesco Marciliano and Pasta with Eggplant, Onion, and Arugula
Finding a Decent Glass Pour in Reno
I go to Reno frequently to visit my mother and the wine selections at most restaurants, especially the casinos and chains that dominate this city, are your boilerplate, KJ-esque family of wines. You pretty much know what you are going to get no matter where you go. So it was an extremely pleasant surprise that [More]
Asparagus and Wine Blah Blah Blah
I am really sick of the cliche that asparagus is so difficult to pair with wine. Living in Washington I get plenty of chances to eat asparagus. (Though I detest the huge, fat spears that are fibrous and too woodsy. The pencil-thin are the best; try broiling on a sheet pan with nothing but salt [More]
Sauvignon Blanc and Fish Tacos
I love Sauv Blanc with high acid, seafood-based dishes. I marinated halibut in lime juice and chile powder, pan-seared it, and served it with a jicama, cabbage, and radish slaw. I can’t say enough about Chilean Sauv Blanc; I had the Aresti. Other ones to look for are Viu Manent Secreto and Veramonte. I really [More]
Stop Hating on Chardonnay
I think it’s time to put to bed the whole “Anything But Chardonnay” aka “ABC” crap. I am the first person to swear undying allegiance to Chablis and the Macon where the best (I mean the best) Chardonnays are born, bred, and raised. Oak is not the devil nor is California Chardonnay. This is not [More]