Glasses Matter

Posted on: August 14th, 2006 by

In the under $10 retail category, I was drinking one of the most delightful, charming, and refreshing wines in the history of the world. Naturally, I speak of the Whidbey Island Winery Island White.

In my glass, however, it did not seem as bright and fresh as I remembered it. That’s because I was drinking it out of my nasty-ass, ridiculous wine glasses that need a pressure washer to clean. I brought home a new, clean glass and WOW! I guess when you use a wine glass as a vase, you get what you deserve. I’m glad the new glass was able clear Whidbey Island Winery from any damaging, almost libelous, comments.

With apologies to that Red Stripe Guy,

Hooray Island White!

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