If you are wondering what a wine geek would want or get for Valentine’s Day, here are some thoughts.
*Champers, Champers, Champers. Instead of a regular bottle, go big and get a magnum.
*Old wine. As in a great wine from a great vintage. It is truly a special treat to drink a great wine that has been lovingly cellared and then unearthed for a special day. Any well-aged Barolo or Burgundy (red or white) would cause me to have seizures of pleasure.
*Sweet wine. As in a great dessert wine or any kind of wine with nice residual sugar. Like a great TBA riesling from Germany, a SGN Alsatian riesling, sauternes, or any Loire (Q du Charmes) would be great. They are usually half bottles (except for Loire wines) and are incredible.
*An inexpensive bottle of Prosecco (make that 2) plus an assortment of organic, boutique, seasonal fruits. Like blood oranges…mmm. Squeeze fresh juice into a glass of Prosecco. Wow!
Tonight I’ll be drinking cheap beer by gallon, so think of me if you are able to indulge in any of the above. Peace.
Methinks two bottles of Prosecco would get my panties on the floor and a “headache” in the morning. Yum.