Label Lust: Teutonic Wine Company Silvaner

Posted on: May 5th, 2012 by

Teutonic Wine Company Silvaner Oregon

It’s not just glitzy, hyper-modern wine labels that make me swoon, and the Teutonic Wine Company Silvaner is a perfect example of that. Looking at it makes me feel like I’m paging through a charmingly illustrated wildlife guide, with suggestive radishes and a glass of wine off to the side. (Note: radishes and wine are highly suggestive to me.)

Teutonic Wine Company Silvaner Oregon

In the interest of fairness, I should give equal time to the back label. The clever nod to a Facebook “like” is hard to miss. And I appreciate the text clearly spelling out their mission, sounding exactly like a wine that would be in my wheelhouse. I am intrigued to try this wine, having tasted Silvaner from Germany as well as the bordering French region of Alsace. It’s cool to see Oregon be a bit daring with the grapes they are growing. While Pinot Noir keeps the lights on, I always like to keep my eyes peeled for the unusual and esoteric. I guess it’s the wine geek in me.

Side Note: You can find German Silvaner in this interestingly-shaped bottle, called a Bocksbeutel:

Winzergemeinschaft Franken

Bocksbeutel image courtesy barockschloss.

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4 Responses

  1. What did you think of the wine? I haven’t had the Silvaner myself, but I typically like was Ewald likes.

    • Jameson says:


      Just intrigued by the labels and the concept of Alsatian-style wines in Oregon. Looking forward to trying them soon!


  2. *?

    Add a question mark in there for me. Thanks!

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