My Ideal Day in Seattle

Posted on: January 6th, 2015 by

seattle spring capitol hill cherry treesAh, Seattle in spring. Can’t get here soon enough. The folks at Murmur, an app they describe as “a refreshingly human platform to find great restaurants and bars” akin to “word of mouth with a jet pack”, contacted me for an interview. My assignment? Describe my ideal day in Seattle. It involves plenty of eating and drinking, some water towers, looking at plants, and magazine reading. (Pretty wild, huh?)

First, though, I was asked to say a few words about myself and this blog:

Murmur: Tell us about yourself and starting Wine Without Worry…

Me: “A decade ago, right before I left Chicago for Seattle, someone said I should start a wine blog. My first question was, ‘What’s a blog?’ Once it was explained to me (via hand puppets), I embarked on a journey fueled by my hyper-enthusiastic, self-deprecating style of wine appreciation. And since I was concurrently working in the retail wine business, there was plenty of grist for the mill. Or rather grapes for the press.

“Equal-ish parts love, stubbornness, and insanity have kept my blog alive since 2004. Jeez, I’m like a dinosaur of blogging. Thankfully, wine keeps me supple and I don’t have T-Rex arms. Which would be an impediment to blogging.”

Discover the plethora of stops on my ideal Seattle day, plus even more picks when it comes to restaurants, bars, and coffee:

Murmur: Jameson from Wine Without Worry — Seattle

BTW, these are the stairs that I like to run when I talk about my perfect day:

Stairs. Capitol Hill, Seattle. howe street

Now that’s a workout.

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