One Word Reviews of 2012 Youngberg Hill Pinot Noirs

Posted on: January 28th, 2015 by

Youngberg Hill Pinot NoirAfter running through a trio of 2012 Pinot Noirs from Oregon’s Youngberg Hill received as samples, I was struck by one thing they all had in common: richness. These are not lacy, delicate wines!

A quick internet search about the 2012 vintage in Oregon turned up a post where these words were trotted out to describe it and what qualities the resulting wines would acquire:

  • Epic
  • Amazing
  • Stunning
  • Voluptuous
  • Curvy

Sensuously pleasing or delightful? (Voluptuous.) Oh I can see that being applied to wine. Though usually when it takes on this quality it’s in the act of enjoying a wine with someone else. Not in a vacuum.

It’s fun to dig into the wine descriptor tool box and assign personality and human traits. Maybe even relate them to a friend/family member, celebrity/historical figure, or a certain type of person you come across. Though it has its limits, I do so below.

To the wines:

2012 Youngberg Hill Cuvée ($35): This was my favorite of the three. Mostly because this is ready to drink as soon as you crack the bottle. Lots of delicious black cherry flavors.

One word review: SNAPPY

2012 Youngberg Hill Natasha ($40): If you like a bit of funk in your Pinot Noir, this bottle is for you. After giving a quick decant, those earthy notes fade more into the background.

One word review: GAMY

2012 Youngberg Hill Jordan ($50): This was like the shy person at the party who, once you start talking to them, makes you realize that they are by far the most interesting person in the room. It just takes time and patience. Which will reward you in relationships and wine. (Full disclosure: Advice regarding the former is from a 42 year-old bachelor. Results may vary.)

One word review: AUSTERE

The Cuvée is a blend of three vineyards (one of them being Youngberg Hill’s) while the Natasha and Jordan are from two distinct estate vineyard blocks. Enjoy the cuvée now and set the Natasha and Jordan aside for a few years. All three wines, by the way, are sealed with a screw cap.

I tasted these wines with Clive Pursehouse of the Northwest Wine Anthem. He stopped by my Wine Without Worry podcast to talk Oregon wine. But Not from the Willamette Valley. Explore Southern Oregon with us:

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2 Responses

  1. I like the one word descriptors Jameson. Refreshing!

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