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Italian Wine Discoveries at VINO 2015
Recently returned from a whirlwind (whirlwine?) few days in snowy, cold, loveable New York City attending VINO 2015. (This was a sponsored media trip, BTW.) Let’s get straight to the cool wines that I discovered. Well, it wasn’t like I found the Ark of the Covenant, just that these wines were new to me. I [More]
To New York for VINO 2015: Celebrating the Wines of Southern Italy
Very excited to be leaving for New York at the crack of dawn on Super Bowl Sunday to attend VINO 2015. When it comes to wine geekiness, this celebration of the wines of Southern Italy means Russell Wilson times Tom Brady times Katy Perry levels of excitement for me. This sponsored media trip will [More]
Posted in Italy
Tagged craft beer in italy, italian craft beer, new york somms, restaurant wine lists, vino 2015
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