The Debut of My Wine Without Worry Podcast

Posted on: January 10th, 2013 by

wine without worry podcast

I’ve been talking longer than I’ve been writing so it’s about time I launched a podcast. Wine Without Worry is live, and my first episode is a great half hour chat with Bryan Maletis of Fat Cork. It’s a Champagne 101 for anyone curious about what makes the wines and the region so special. After a listen, you’ll be much more confident when it comes to talking about Champagne, buying Champagne, and drinking Champagne. (Three things I very much enjoy.) As a bonus, we also talk about French fries, sushi, and the Sexy Book.

I already learned a lot from my performance in this inaugural voyage. When you listen to the second episode (that link is a sneak preview of the topic), you’ll find I’m not reading my introduction and speaking more off-the-cuff. My personality definitely comes through a lot more. And there’s plenty of back-and-forth banter and laughter. I am really grateful for Bryan’s time and knowledge; I truly believe it’s a half hour audio textbook on understanding Champagne and I give him huge props for speaking about an intimidating subject in a refreshingly clear and concise manner. (And check out some of his rosé and vintage Champagne.)

Listen to Episode One: Champagne: The Wine With a Fat Cork on iTunes.

Champagne cork and cage rocking chair courtesy uberculture. (Nice work!)

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2 Responses

  1. There’s not enough hours in the day to read everything I want to so I look to podcasts where possible. Quality is very variable though. Just listened to the Champagne edition and now half way through Italy. Excellent stuff. Lots of good information presented in a clear but non repetitive format. Highly recommended.

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