Top 5 Songs That Mention Wine

Posted on: June 10th, 2014 by


table talk nw

Over on Table Talk NW, my pal Jamie Peha asked me to share my five favorite songs that mention wine. You see, Wine Rocks is coming up on July 10th, and it’s all about music and fermented grape juice. The dictionary even has something to say:

Wine Rocks (\ˈwīn ˈräks\, etymology: modern, Seattle – circa 2007): annual, not-for-profit, gathering of local winemakers, craft brewers, and musicians showcasing exceptional wine, unique distillates, outstanding beer, groovy tunes, savory fare, and one helluva of a backdrop.

OK, there’s also beer and sprits, too. They rock as well.

So what five songs did I select? Well, here’s one of them:

 “Thank you for your wine, California. Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruit.”

Want to find out the other four? Head over to Table Talk NW:

Jameson Fink: Five Favorite Songs That Mention Wine

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