“Vinum Remedium Est”

Posted on: February 23rd, 2012 by
vinum remedium est


It seemed appropriate that a place called Cure, located here in Seattle, would have a sign stating “Vinum Remedium Est.” Speaking for myself, on more than one occasion, wine has been the cure. Can you recall a moment where a glass of wine was particularly curative?

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2 Responses

  1. Curing wine. There were a few moments where wine cures. The most bizarre of which is riesling.

    In the sustainable restaurant biz, there’s a lot of things that happen after all the guests have left: like doing laundry and folding/ironing napkins. Imagine yourself in an empty restaurant with a half glass of riesling folding and ironing napkins. At 12am ironing napkins with a glass of riesling puts me in a zone, a zen moment…

    Perfect cure for a busy night.

    • Jameson says:


      That reminds me of my most recent post. Sometimes wine pairs better with a place or a moment than any food could. Totally understand and appreciate Riesling and napkin ironing.

      Thanks for reading and the great comment.



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