Weekend Wine Links: Hipster Deer, Artichokes, Volcanos

Posted on: March 20th, 2015 by

It’s time again for another round of Weekend Wine Links. Here’s what I’ve been perusing regarding all things on the internet relating to the fermented grape.

Is this the world’s first wine-pouring hipster deer? Do you think I somewhat resemble this deer? The glasses, the sweater, the antlers. Well, maybe not that last part. Thou shalt not skip this post!

ARTICHOKES ARE DIFFICULT TO PAIR WITH WINE BLAH BLAH BLAH. PUT IT OUT TO PASTURE, STRIKE THIS MISNOMER FROM ALL PUBLICATIONS! Luckily, Janice at Italian Wine Merchants agrees with me. Please follow her on Twitter and read the linked post with staff picks from IWM that pair with the “delicious thistle” that is the artichoke. Delicious Thistle might be a good moniker for me if I ever become an MC. 

Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon is one super-interesting dude. He’s also particularly clever on Twitter. Grahm talks social media and ever some wine, too:

You want an example of Grahm’s wit on Twitter? Here you go:

Volcanoes+wine=awesome. Volcanic soil, that is. Mt. Etna forever!

What Amy said:

BONUS! More thoughts from the mind of Janice:

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