Wine is for Drinking

Posted on: March 24th, 2006 by

You know, after obessing over entering all my wines into cellar tracker, I gotta start drinking some of these. I don’t want to take these to the grave with me! Not that I have 1,000 bottles; I could probably put away my 47 bottles in…47 days. But I need to start popping corks! It’s hard when you only have one bottle of a wine and you know you can’t get another…ever!!!

That’s why I like to get 2 or (even better) 3 bottles of something before I put it in my cellar. Of course, it’s a lot easier to do so when you are talking about affordable wines. I know I can still get the 2000 La Grola for under 20 bucks and it is smokin’!

The last wine from my cellar that I drank was a 1999 Eyrie Pinot Noir Reserve and it was lovely. And it was my only one. This is a elegant Pinot Noir that had a lot of life left in it and was showing beautifully. I also drank a 2001 La Planella which is at it’s peak and I know I can pop the other one.

So Wine is for Drinking. And Wine is for Drinking with People You DIG!

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