Hi there and welcome to 2017. One of the highlights of my 2016 was a (brief) trip to Nashville. My guide was Susan Ruth, a performing songwriter. While I was in town I sat down with her as a guest on the Hey Human Podcast. And Champagne and steak was set in front of me moment prior to recording, so the podcasting hospitality was stellar.
This show gave me the opportunity to talk about Champagne beyond popcorn. In fact, it’s a really excellent wine for steak. Especially when you have a richer-style Champagne. Our bottle even ably handled the blue cheese atop said steak.
A note to listeners: At the time I had just read a book about bedbugs* and still had cockroach-infested nightmares from my inaugural New York City apartment. So the first part of the show might skew towards entomologists but, bear with us, we do get to wine.
To find out what bottle we drank, and more about wine (and bugs) listen to the show:
S1 E28 Jameson Fink: Joy in the Heart and Wine in the Hand
Also, one of the most fun things I’ve done for Wine Enthusiast? I asked Susan, along with five other Nashville performing songwriters, to send me their wine questions. I picked one from each artist to answer. What queries came from this talented bunch? As follows:
- What’s the best everyday sparkling wine? Top celebration Champagne?
- Does wine need to breathe? How about white wine?
- Are there good dessert wines that aren’t raisiny like Port?
- Is there a wine for surviving a breakup?
- What’s the best wine for salmon? For smoked brisket?
Discover my answers, along with a photo, bio, and music clip from each artist:
Nashville Musicians Get Their Wine Questions Answered
Speaking of Nashville, here are a few highlights:
I fell in love with Savant Vintage. I did not write a hit song nor buy the jacket. I regret both decisions.
I ate this sandwich, I drank the High Life at Edley’s Bar-B-Que.
Great seats at The Bluebird Cafe. Even got to enter through the kitchen, Goodfellas-style.
I do; it’s true.
*Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World by Brooke Borel. (Highly recommended.)
Steak photo by Tella Chen via Flickr.