Get to Know The Authors of “The World of Sicilian Wine”

Posted on: July 7th, 2014 by

world of sicilian wineMuch of the joy that comes from visiting a part of the world I love is getting to meet like-minded people along the way who enrich my experience. This was most definitely the case in Sicily, when on the final day of a recent stay I got some quality lunch and dinnertime conversation in with Bill Nesto (a Master of Wine) and Frances Di Savino (a keen student of Italian culture, particularly medieval and Renaissance studies), who just happened to have co-authored a book I am looking forward to get on my nightstand ASAP, “The World of Sicilian Wine“.

Before occupying my nightstand with all things Sicilian wine in hardcover form, I asked Bill and Fran to occupy a half hour on my Wine Without Worry podcast. They augment my exclamation point-y enthusiasm for Sicily with some in-depth thoughts culled from the (fermented) fruits of their scholarly pursuit.

But lest you think this sounds too serious a tone, especially in contrast  to my court jester/carnival barker approach, rest assured that Bill and Fran are fired up by a passion for Sicily that comes through in every sentence uttered about this island.

And about the book’s title? Bill explains, “We wanted to get across the message that this is more than just a region of a country, it’s a world unto itself.” Fran elaborates, “We wanted to convey to readers right from the start that this was not a typical wine guide, that we’re really offering readers a multi-dimensional way to understand Sicily as a place through the medium of its wines by discussing history and culture, literature, art. So I think it has several meanings in that way.”

Find out more about a story that starts in the 8th Century…BC. Listen to the show:

Finally, keep up with Bill and Fran on their website.

Azeinda Agricola Rallo

The vineyards of Azeinda Agricola Rallo.

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6 Responses

  1. Sophia Katt says:

    No time to interview Inspector Montalbano?

  2. JF … It’s a great book, with technical data and pastoral visions which will make you save some scratch and come over … yes, that’s right, I live here, on Mount Etna … also, we operate The Etna Wine Lab which could be of additional interest … Keep in touch …

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