The Pleasure of Wine: A Lesson From Poet Billy Collins

Posted on: February 18th, 2015 by

summers estate charbono

This morning I heard Poet Billy Collins give the Creative Keynote at The Symposium for Professional Wine Writers at Meadowood Napa Valley. Many things he had to say about wine and writing resonated deeply with me, but none more than this:

“Obvious joys of wine get buried in the analysis.”

So on that note, it was a pleasure to drink this 2012 Summers Charbono. It’s a red grape rarely seen in California, but has a dedicated fan base aware of its charms. A perfect lunchtime red. Enjoy!

Read a recap from Louise Kiernan:

Billy Collins on defying convention, the reader’s indifference and making other writers jealous

Bonus: Collins also revealed his personal wine rating system. Here it is:

  • “Wow, let’s buy more of that!”
  • “What was I thinking?”



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13 Responses

  1. Alice says:

    I love the wine rating system! 🙂

  2. I love his wine rating system! Sometimes I get so caught up in how I think wine should be tasting that I need to just sit back and ask myself- Do I like it? Then buy it! 🙂

  3. So funny and so true. 🙂 It’s the same with food. Nothing spoils a meal more than a bunch of self appointed food critics analyzing every aspect WHILE they are eating it. Food and wine are supposed to be inducements to enjoying the people we are sharing them with. And as Mr. Collins so aptly puts it, the only rating that matters is whether you want to eat/drink it again.

  4. 1) I love the rating scale. I think we’ve all had both of those reactions, and they’re the most important ones! 2) I admit I had never heard of Charbano. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it and give it a try! Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. I’ve always loved Billy Collins and now, even more so, given his wine rating system. How funny that it coincides so exactly with my own:)

  6. Linda Omura says:

    I’ve never had a Charbono but I’m going to be looking for this one now.

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