Side Show: My New Works New Wine Video Interviews

Posted on: June 8th, 2014 by

on the boardsIf you didn’t know, I am part of the Ambassador Project for On the Boards here in Seattle. First, what is On the Boards?

Founded by artists in 1978, the mission of On the Boards is to introduce audiences to international innovators in contemporary dance, theater and music while developing and presenting new work by Northwest performing artists.

OK, and about the Ambassador Project?

Ambassadors take an active role in shaping dialogue about the art presented at OtB and around trends, concepts, ideas and opportunities arising in the creative community.

So where do I fit in? Excellent question. On of the things dreamed up with my fellow ambassadors Sierra Stinson and Mary Ann Peters was for me to interview artists performing in the Northwest New Works Festival. I’d bring some wine and questions.

NOTE: You can still catch the end of the first weekend’s performances TONIGHT. And clear off all next weekend, June 13-15th, for the second round of the festival.

Here are the wines I brought for various video interviews:

Raisins Gaulois: A light and fresh Gamay from Beaujolais.

Domaine Lafage Miraflors Rosé: Lovely bottle, lovely wine.

Domaine des Cassagnoles Gros Manseng: Unusual grape, unusually refreshing.

Viu Manent Sauvignon Blanc: My house white wine, from Chile.

German Gilabert Cava Brut Nature: Great Spanish sparkling.

Famega Vinho Verde: Fresh and fizzy.

All these wines are under$20, and two are under $10 (Viu Manent and Famega). What else does each wine have in common? They are all perfect summer wines. What a sweet six pack of summertime sipping!

Peruse these videos! I did some deep Googling of each artist, and checked out their websites and press clippings so I wouldn’t show up with nothing to ask of them beyond, “So, you like art and stuff, huh?

First I talk about what it means to be “delightfully odd” as a person and a wine with Erin Pike. Also, we get into the “swirl and whiff”. And what does a Segway mating dance look like?

Here I am with Ilvs Strauss. We speak of sea cucumbers. Also, she does not like the Gamay (at all), but I redeem myself with the Cava. My biggest fear comes true when I jinx myself by stating out loud that I hope when I open the bottle of sparkling, wine does not come spewing out. Guess what happens shortly after that?

With David Schmader I go into more detail about the first four wines. “Everything you said is true,” says David to me. (About the red wine.) Later: “Is this a chugging wine?”

See all the videos.

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