Blog Archives

The Corner of Thinkable and Drinkable: 3 Views of Frasca and Scarpetta

Last year I attended a very memorable lunch at Seattle’s The Coterie Room featuring the food of Frasca and the wines of Scarpetta. (Check out the recap.) Restaurant and winery owners Bobby Stuckey (the sommelier) and Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson (the chef) held court, both equally entertaining and inspiring. So it was with great pleasure that I recently [More]

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Frasca Food, Scarpetta Wine, and a New Sparkling Rosé to Love

No fermented beverage excites me more than sparkling rosé, so it didn’t take much arm twisting to accept an invitation from Vinum Importing to a lunch featuring the Italian wines of Scarpetta and the food from Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, CO. How does an Italian winery and a Colorado restaurant come to host [More]

Posted in Italy, restaurants, Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Comments