Blog Archives
Beautiful Label, Beautiful Wine (Again) from Donnafugata
I love love love wine labels. Mostly because I had to sell/see so many bottles with crap ones. There is a winery in Sicily that always impresses me with what’s inside and outside the bottle. The Donnafugata Floramundi carries on that tradition. Perhaps you may remember Donnafugata from such bottles with great labels as Anthìlia, a [More]
Getting to Know Nocera: A Visit to Sicily’s Capo Milazzo
One of the delights of Sicily, and Italy in general, is the sheer amount of unfamiliar wine grapes you come across. This was no exception while on a media trip with Palm Bay International to visit all six of Planeta‘s properties on the island. My first full day introduced me to the Nocera (No-CHAIR-a) grape, [More]
International Versus Indigenous Wine Grapes: The Case of Sicily
What gets you to explore wines made from unfamiliar grapes? How do you discover something new? Sicily is an interesting case as an island full of indigenous grapes as well as plenty of wine made from non-native, better-known grapes like Chardonnay, Cabernet, and Syrah. I had these questions in mind when I conducted a phone [More]