Blog Archives
Teaching a Wine Class in Reno: Part II
Hello from Reno! I am back again to visit my Mom and teach another wine class for her and a group of neighbors. If you missed my last one, it was all about Syrah. This time, I’m focusing on some grapes deserving more love. It’s a smokin’ lineup, if I do say so myself. I [More]
Blind Tasting and the Pepsi Challenge
I just went down an internet rabbit hole reliving the Pepsi Challenge ad campaign of the late 1970s and early 80s. It was a blind taste test of a small cup of Coke and one of Pepsi. The latter did surprisingly well. So well, that Coke ended up coming out with the infamous “New Coke” [More]
How to Survive Crowded Wine Tastings
As an anxious person, I worry about a lot of things. Even wine tastings. But I want you to relax, to chill. Just keep in mind that when go to some big event like “The Freakiest Wine Grapes” or “Around the World in 8,000 Bottles” or “Mega-Zinful Blowout” (BTW, I made up all those names), be prepared for crowds, lots [More]
Adventures With Spit Buckets and More Life Lessons at Wine Tastings
What have I learned attending a decade-plus worth of wine tastings all over the country and world? Well, I’ve certainly accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience. But I’ve also developed some, shall we say, neurotic tendencies. Here is one circumstance that, at some point, will strike all wine tasters. Both casual and veteran: When [More]