Fossil and Fawn on Pints and Panels: Cool Oregon Pinot Noir

Posted on: December 24th, 2015 by

fossil and fawn pints and panelsYou’ve been bombarded by Star Wars sequel talk but what I am about to unveil should be an equally buzzed-about series installment. Em of Pints and Panels, the fantastic and uber-charming beer blog, has reviewed the second (II) bottle of Fossil and Fawn I sent her way.

2013 Fossil and Fawn Pinot Noir Crowley Station Vineyards

fossil and fawn pinot noirLet me back up a bit and state that Fossil and Fawn makes tiny amounts of really cool Oregon wines. You should check out their cloudy, mysterious, savory, and pinkish Pinot Gris. (What you might see referred to as an “orange wine”, a white wine that gets extra color from the skins hanging out with the juice for an extended period of time.) Ooh, and gaze upon Em’s review of the 2014 Fossil and Fawn Pinot Gris. (Sour beer fans, check it out!)

Geez, now I really need to back up and say that Pints and Panels is an award-winning blog done comic-style. And while the tone is welcoming and lighthearted, Em is super-serious when it comes to beer. I mean, she drinks it with obvious gusto and pleasure, but has a vast knowledge base and rockin’ experience. Em’s a Certified Cicerone® (like a beer sommelier) and Social Media Manager at Two Roads Brewing Company in Connecticut. I have my fingers crossed that we’ll be meeting up soon to reenact the above left panel in person. With Pinot Noir. And then beer.

Anyway, I insist (with sugar on top) you head to Pints & Panels for her review of Fossil & Fawn. I also really dig the alliterative similarities between the two along with the ampersand. Go forth & click:

The 2013 Pinot Noir reviewed!

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2 Responses

  1. Maybe I could get them to sell me some once I make the move to Houston….

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