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Breathtaking Scenery Surrounds Alto Adige Wines
If you are not familiar with Alto Adige wines, hailing from the Northern Italian region bordering Austria and Switzerland, one look at the photo above should have you intrigued. Some of my favorite white wines in the world come from this region. (Though the reds recently caught my eye.) At a recent seminar I had [More]
Posted in Italy
Tagged alto adige, alto adige wines, anchovies and olives, crudo, feldmarschall, hofstatter, seattle, tiefenbrunner
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An Alto Adige Wine That Needs To Be in Your Fridge
I try not to be so strident about what “you need to do,” but I’m breaking this rule for a particular Alto Adige wine that I adore. I mean, just look up at this amazing photo! Alto Adige is a picturesque, dramatic region of Northern Italy, right below Austria. The wines, especially the white wines, [More]
Posted in Italy
Tagged Abbazia di Novacella, alto adige, alto adige wine, kerner, pinot grigio