Blog Archives
This Blog is 15 Years Old, But Where Do I Go From Here?
Happy Anniversary to my blog! Fifteen years ago yesterday I published my first dang post. And almost five years ago, my legendary, fiery defense of the Champagne flute debuted. This blog has led to opportunities, adventures, and even money-paying jobs (!). And people along the way as well. Yes, blogging helped me interact with…other humans! And speaking [More]
On Wine Blogging: Turning Your Passion into a Profession
In 2004 I started a wine blog. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine 11 years later giving away almost everything I owned, moving across the country to a taxidermy-strewn and roach-ridden East Village NYC apartment, and commuting by subway, train, and cab for a job as Senior Editor at Wine Enthusiast magazine. I feel [More]