Cooking for One Got You Feeling Down? Blue and Alone in Your Kitchen?

Posted on: November 27th, 2012 by

cooking for one

Cooking for one totally blows, right? You’re living in a world of recipes that feed 4-6, and would benefit from a loving partner who could peel potatoes while you ready the roast. Or at least keep your dang wine glass full while you prepare them a lovely, heartfelt, sensual feast.


Why do I remain optimistic? Because, thanks to a segment on the KIRO radio show Seattle Kitchen, you can find out how to manage being single, cook for yourself, and eat well. I was invited (as a single dude who likes to cook) to be a guest on the show, along with my friend Amy Pennington, to talk about cooking for one. Amy is a also a fantastic cook, author, urban gardener, and overall ace.  Additionally, it was quite an experience to interact with notable chefs and restauranteurs Tom Douglas and Thierry Rautureau (“The Chef in the Hat”), who co-host the show and provide ample humor and insight. There are so many tips on how to cook for one and keep it interesting and delicious, your mind will be blown and your stomach will thank you.

Listen up as Amy and I got toe-to-toe over such controversial issues as crock pots. Feel me cringe as I hear the word “perpetually” placed before the word “single” as I am introduced. Plus talk about muffins, celery, barley, and hot sauce. (Not all together.)


Empty fridge photo (not mine!! I have beer) courtesy Casey Serin.

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