Blog Archives
Drink More White Bordeaux (Please)
I gotta take my own dang advice. I’m complicit, too, in spacing on these killer wines. How long has it been since I had a back-to-back salvo of white Bordeaux? It’s tough enough to get anyone to drink red BDX let alone white. One of my all-time favorite wines happens to be a white BDX: [More]
Cullen Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Sings With Seafood
I feel like you can almost just look at this seafood dish and know it would be great with a white wine like the Cullen Sauvignon Blanc Semillon. The winery is located in Australia’s Margaret River region. Though many people first think Shiraz when it comes to Aussie wine, there is an astonishing diversity of [More]
Trader Joe’s Wine
Trader Joe’s Wine Originally uploaded by jamesonf I shop at Trader Joe’s frequently for all the stuff a single guy pushing 40 needs. Every now and then a wine there catches my attention. A Hunter Valley Semillon for 6 bucks? Done and done. This was an excellent wine that reminded me how underrated Aussie whites [More]