Blog Archives
Unexpected Wine and Food Match in James Salter’s Novel “Light Years”
Sometimes when you least expect it, expect it. That’s how wine sneaks up on me. Not like a bottle quietly tiptoeing behind me and then, “SURPRISE!” More of a coming across mentions of it while reading and thinking about the author’s experience with wine. Such is the case of the novel Light Years by James [More]
Welcome to My New Site
I’m a fan of White Burgundy and potato chips. And I like wearing t-shirts and jeans while I drink my fancy French Chardonnay. This pretty much sums up my attitude towards wine that I have refined (or rather, unrefined) since I began blogging about wine in 2004. Now I’ve migrated to a new look and [More]
Mushrooms and White Burgundy
A mushroom omelet and a White Burgundy with a few years of age on it is one of my all-time favorite food and wine parings. Yours? Oh, and how do you clean your mushrooms? It can be a contentious issue.