Blog Archives
Overlooked/Underrated: Godello
My latest missive for VinePair takes a look at a white wine grape, Godello. Its home is Galicia, on the northwest coast of Spain. I’ve got the story behind the grape’s preservation, its more familiar friend, and five bottles to check out. Have a look: Why Chardonnay Fans Should Consider Godello You’ve probably heard of [More]
Luzón Verde is a Go-To Organic Spanish Red Wine Bargain
Sometimes when I go to a big wine tasting event like Spain’s Great Match, it’s all about cramming as many new wines into my maw as possible. (RESPONSIBLY.) But often the most memorable tastes are when I revisit an old vinous friend. I fondly recall selling the Luzón Verde, a Spanish red wine made from [More]
I Praise This Wine Without Using Exclamation Points
I am so guilty of excessively using exclamation points. If you read the “About Me” section of this very blog, I even confess/brag about it. I refer to my predilection as deploying an “overabundance” of them. A quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald has stuck with me: “An exclamation point is like laughing at your own [More]
Grenache Blanc From Priorat: Seek Out This Surprising White Wine
Four years ago I went to Spain on a trip with a Cava producer and the most surprising wine I drank (during a day away from sparkling) was a Grenache Blanc (Garnacha Blanca) from Priorat. The later is a region in Spain a couple hours west of Barcelona but it feels like a world away. Steep [More]
Take Me To Your Liter: 1L Bottles of Wine
I’ve been crushing on this format for years. These 1L bottles of wine pop up randomly and it delights me to discover a new one. Who doesn’t look at a standard 750ml bottle and think of a conversation along these lines: “Say man, you got an extra 33% of wine?” “Uh, no, not on me, man.” [More]
Can You Warm Up Your Winter With White Wine?
Can’t blame this cat for hesitating to go outside. It’s dreary and rainy here in Seattle, though thankfully not apocalyptically cold like in other parts of the country. This is the time when, wine-wise, you look to warm up with the deepest and richest of reds. Or perhaps a glass of fortified wine, like Port? [More]
Lemon Cucumber Salad and Verdejo Will Defeat the Summer Heat
Hey, it’s over 80 degrees in Seattle. Which means two things for me: rotating in a lemon cucumber salad to my ovenless/stoveless summer cooking repertoire and complaining about the heat. See, when the thermometer breaks 79, many folks in Seattle (me included) treat this event like we’ve got triple digit heat. I can’t believe I [More]